Propagation of Sound

Concept Explanation

Propagation of Sound

Propagation of sound  The travelling of sound is called propagation of sound. Sound cannot propagates in absence of medium (vaccum).

Sound needs a medium to propagate (travels). Sound travels through solid, liquid and gas.

  • The distance between molecules in solids is very small. The molecules of solids are colliding very quickly because they are closely packed  so hence sound travels faster in solid.
  • The distance between molecules in liquid are longer than solids, so sound travels second fast in liquid.
  • The distance between molecules in gases is large. So sound travels very slow in gases.
  • If some explosion takes place on moon, sound of the explosion will not be propagated to the earth, because moon has no atmosphere. The sound waves never reach the Earth. 
  • The medium must posses the following properties for the propagation of waves.

  • The medium should be able to return to its original position after being disturbed, i.e. the medium must have interia.
  • The medium must be capable of storing energy i.e. the medium must have interia.
  • Sample Questions
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